Taco Pasta Salad
Elevate your mealtime with a fiesta of flavors in our Taco Pasta Salad. This innovative dish combines the zestiness of ta...
Elevate your mealtime with a fiesta of flavors in our Taco Pasta Salad. This innovative dish combines the zestiness of ta...
Sweet red grapes and crunchy celery make this chicken salad sing, and also balance out the slight tang from the yogurt and lemon but go ahead and...
Sprouted Moong Salad with Pomegranate is a vibrant and nutritious dish, perfect for a refreshing snack or a light meal. This salad combines protein-packed sprouted moong beans with the sweetness of pomegranate and the...
Experience a harmonious blend of flavors and textures with our Shrimp & Avocado Salad. This refreshing creation combi...
Spinach and Pearl Millet Salad is a refreshing and nutritious dish that combines the tender freshness of baby spinach with the nutty flavor of cooked pearl millet. Diced cucumber, tomato, and onion add crispness and v...
A new salad that is oh so satisfying. You will fall in love with this one for sure. INGREDIENTS
INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup raw elbow whole wheat macaroni, rinsed, a...
This refreshing salad combines the creamy richness of hung curd and cottage cheese with a vibrant mix of diced vegetables and fresh herbs. Cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, and bell peppers provide crunch and color, while ...
Experience the Perfect Blend of Summer Grains and Indian Flavors with our Summer Grains Salad - a Nutrient-Packed Delight
Lychee is a rich source of Vitamin C, providing approximately 136% of the recommended daily intake per serving. I...
Summer is always filled with travel, food, and music. They are filled with exciting and best foods to eat and get...
Carrot rosemary salad is a colorful, nutrient-rich, and easy to prepare recipe for your immunity and heart. It ha...
The summer season brings in different recipes to try on and enjoy as the family gets some time to spend with each other a...
Looking for a Salsa that’s so different and yet so unbelievably delish? Try this,
Proteins check good fats check, fibre check, antioxidant check. This recipe is one of the most nourishing and wholesome s...