How much screentime is too much screen time?
It’s the season of exams and students go crazy during this period as it gives them a lot of pressure and it’s no less than a burden. To complete everything in the syllabus, students oft...
It is rightly said that a healthy mind stays in a healthy body. Exam season is around the corner and while you are preparing for your exams remember to exercise well to keep your mind a...
Various researches said that healthy eating have wonderful benefits on your body in the long run. Choosing smart and healthy options to
As per research, the food you eat has a great impact on your ability to remember. Your diet plays a vital role in brain health. A healthy diet helps in enhancing your brain functions as...
Backed by stress, under the books- exam time is nearby! It's common to feel stressed during exam time. But, one has to look beyond the room to stay more relaxed and calm to prepare well...