Struggling with a Morning Routine? Here’s How to Fix It
By Nmami Life Editorial 15-Jul 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

A healthy morning routine not only makes your whole day brighter and happier but also fuels you up with much-needed energy and positivity. To make yourself productive and more contented, it is quite important to start your morning rightly. But due to plenty of factors, many of you might not be able to execute what you plan for your mornings and always end up being stressed and strained due to your bad morning routine. From late-night sleeping to snoozing the alarm button every time it buzzes- there could be plenty of reasons for this! Here are some easy ways which help you in fixing your morning routine while making you all happy, optimistic and healthy. Just some simple swaps in routine can save you from negativity, fatigue and grumpiness all day long.
Here are some ways that will help you in fixing your morning routine
- Don’t complex it in the beginning: If you are not a morning person and recently made changes in your morning routine, then try to keep it as simple as you can. Don’t try to incorporate too much as you are not very habitual of this. Keep experimenting for 2-3 days to find out what suits best to you and stick to those. Make sure to put meaningful things in your morning routine to avoid any struggle and mess-ups. Putting things in your morning routine that you don’t have time for only creates hassles and juice up your confidence and enthusiasm.
- Focus on your sleep ritual: Sleep ritual is one of the important factors that decide your morning routine. Make sure to follow a definite time to go to bed and incorporate some soothing activities in your bedtime routine instead of scrolling fingers on the phone. You can add reading, puzzle-solving or any other activity that you like in your pre-sleep routine to soothe and calm your mind before sleeping.
- Swap your caffeine from a detox drink: Instead of starting your day with caffeine, try to swap for some healthy and natural detox drinks. Detox drinks are great for health and provide you with various advantages. You can add lemon water, ginger lemon concoction, and turmeric and lemon concoction for effective results. These detox drinks help in flushing out the toxins from your body while adding up to your energy levels. Lukewarm lemon water helps in boosting your metabolism and is a great way to start your morning right.
- Say no to screen: Checking out the phone’s screen after snoozing the alarm is one of the common things that we all do in the morning. Not only it fills you with negativity but it also lowers down your energy and motivation levels. Try to make your morning screen-free in order to make your whole day enthusiastic and energetic.
Make your morning bright by incorporating these easy ways in your lifestyle and make sure you always focus on your sleep ritual as it is one of the important ways to stand true to your morning routine.