7 Ways to avoid getting sick when Season change
By Nmami Agarwal 30-Jun 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

A change in weather results in numerous changes in our lifestyle. From food to clothes to other activities. Unfortunately, it also brings out a spell in sickness. It has a direct impact on our health and many tend to catch flu or suffer from cold during the change in season.
However, here are a few ways to help keep you and your family safe and healthy during seasonal change:
- Maintain proper Hygiene – This is the No. 1 rule to stop the spread of germs. Embracing good and proper hygiene practices such as washing your hands with soap and water frequently, avoiding touching the eyes, nose and mouth is one of the best ways to protect yourself against bacteria and germs.
- Stick to your greens – Our body requires the ammo to protect itself, so eat plenty of greens and salads as they are rich in antioxidants and various vitamins and minerals will also help to boost your immune system and keep sickness at bay. Also, keeps one energized and fit.
- Increase Vitamin C Intake – Vitamin C is one of the biggest immune system boosters of all. They are the very first line of defence against infections and diseases. Including Vitamin C rich foods such as like lemon, orange, sweet lime, kiwi, and bananas, avocado, broccoli, asparagus.
- Add a bit of warmth – A great routine to follow is to have something warm like milk, warm salad, soup or even water before bedtime to soothe your throat and keep away any kind of impurities or germs.
- Stay Hydrated – Hydration is the key. Our body is made up of mostly water, and when one is de-hydrated it puts an extra stress on the system. Dryness or a scratchy throat decreases the immunity barriers and opens door to infection. Thus, drinking plenty of water is crucial to staying healthy.
- Sleep well – Getting quality sleep is as important as exercising and eating healthy. Not sleeping well or lack of sleep can lead to weight gain and weaken the immune system, thereby, increasing the risk of illness. In-fact, adequate sleep can also affect how fast you recover from illness if you do fall sick.
- Exercise – Exercise is not only a great way to stay in shape but it actually may help prevent you from getting sick. The immune systems of those who regularly engaged in mild exercise (45 minutes of exercise 3-5 days per week) is more capable of fighting off upper respiratory illnesses.
Over to you:
Hence, use small conscious steps to make sure you don’t fall sick. To add on, mental health also plays an important role in our physical well-being so keep stress levels low and edify your mind to have a positive and happy outlook on everyday life.