Shania Twain Opens up on Her Battle with Lyme Disease
By Nmami Life Editorial 21-Feb 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

The Canadian country pop-star – Shaina Twain, have a huge comeback after recovering from the bad health. The singer was first diagnosed with the illness in 2003 and now she spoke about all her journey and time out recovery from Lyme disease. Lyme disease is caused by a bacterial infection and is transmitted by ticks. She talked about the reason and her struggle behind her health issues and how she positively got her through the whole ordeal.
In a recent interview, the 53-year-old singer revealed the treatment of open-throat surgery that she had undergone in the recent past. She said that her health has become much more of her first priority. When you start getting older, you tend to realize more. Awareness is everything. Heart health is something that most women take for granted. Unexpectedly, a lot of women have a high rate of developing heart disease and that has become the highest killer of women, which she would have never thought of.
As she talked about her struggle, she describes the feeling of having a permanent scar and she wondered if she was able to sing again. She said, “Does my voice sound deeper? It does, though, doesn’t it? I saw a tick fall off me and I got the right treatment, otherwise, the damage would have been more severe. I was on tour and I almost fell off the stage every night because I was so dizzy. I felt lucky when I found out the cause because the disease can impact your brain or heart.
It took almost one and a half-decade to recover from this disease physically as well as emotionally. Lyme disease can produce a range of symptoms and these can vary as they usually appear in stages and the stages can overlap.
Symptoms of Lyme disease
Early signs and symptoms can occur within a month after you got bite by a tick. After a tick bite, a red area that is like a bulls-eye’s pattern rash is formed around the centre and expands slowly over time. Generally, it’s not itchy and painful but can give you a warm feeling. Some people develop this rash at more than one place in their bodies. Apart from these symptoms, some other signs of this disease are
- Fever
- Body fatigue
- Body aches
- Headaches
- Stiff neck
- Swollen lymph nodes and can be a part of the rash.
Later symptoms of this disease includes
- Severe joint pain
- Swelling
- Temporary palsy on one side of your face (Bell’s palsy)
- Weakness in your limbs
- Impaired muscle movement
Ways to save yourself from Lyme disease
Ticks are mostly active in winters and due to its small size, they live in shrubs and bushes. So, be aware when you go out on such places. You can reduce your risk of tick bite by following these simple precautions:
- Try to cover up your legs with full pants and socks, when you are in wooded and grassy areas.
- Instead of toxic chemical repellents, apply a tick repellent rich in eucalyptus or lemon oil on your overall skin, before going out.
- It will be very helpful to shower yourself within two hours when you come indoors from bushy places.
- For more safety, try to apply chemical permethrin on your clothes before leaving out.
Over to you
So, follow the above safety measures and prevent yourself and your family from getting in contact with this serious Lyme infection. Get your dose of inspiration from Shania Twain and fight with any disease or bad health with great enthusiasm.