Tips to Manage Your Stress While Working From Home
By Nmami Life Editorial 19-Mar 2020 Reading Time: 6 Mins

In our made-up world, working from home is perfect and gives no stress at all, right? No commuting and the comfortability of home looks appealing and tempting! Isn’t it? Somehow, though, it doesn’t go as planned and can create more stress, anxiety and strain as we don’t have the habit of working in such an unorganised way.
Be it lack of structure, distractions, lack of focus- there are a lot of factors that can give stress and drain out your energy levels while working from home. So, we bring you some tips that will definitely help you in managing stress and further increasing your productivity. Just make sure you stand by these for effective controlling of your stress, hassles and pressure.
Here are some of the effective tips to make your mind free from worries and to balance work-life within the comfort of your home.
- Set a schedule: When we are working from home, we all go in that polar bear zone and become lazy and slothful. Yes, it is the main culprit of the stress. Being comfortable is okay but scheduling your work just like you do in the office is the way to go. Distractions will find its way if you don’t have any specific roadmap to complete your tasks. You can use calendars, apps, to-do lists, reminders, planners to organise your work in a great way. Always keep in mind that work when you can work best.
- Reframe the way you think about stress: Stress is like a musical string, the more you stress on it, the more it performs in the background. Re-think your stress and convert it into positive thoughts. It will become manageable the moment you think that it is easy to manage. You can write positive thoughts around you in a notepad or set happy and positive wallpaper in your computer and laptop so that every time you see it, you will get that much needed positive notes.
- Exercise: Regular physical exercises are one of the great ways to combat the levels of stress. There are various home exercises you can add in your routine to get rid of the unnecessary stress and tensions while working from home. Add breathing exercises, squats, planks, walking, 5-10 minutes of dancing in your routine to eliminate stress levels and to keep yourself active and enthusiastic.
- Mindful pausing: We can get too comfortable while working from home and as a result, we lost in the gaps and start taking work too lightly. By gaps we mean too much usage of social media, indulging in songs, naps and more! This may give you more stress and tension as you won’t be able to complete your work on time and remain distracted and not active. So, take breaks, make yourself stress-free by listening to music, doing exercises and meditations but always keep a track of time in order to make yourself productive and stress-free.
- Eat well: It may look strange but there are a lot of foods that can help you in de-stressing your mind. Cutting down unhealthy and fried foods from your diet and adding foods like nuts, fruits and smoothies can help in producing feel-good endorphins in your body. You can also consume dark chocolates and black coffee (always in moderation) to lower down your stress levels. These foods will also help in keeping you active and healthy.
So, say bye-bye to negative thoughts and stress by following these pointers while working from home. These pointers will help you in staying productive without suffering your mental health and well-being. Small changes can make a big difference!
We wish you a happy and productive working at the comfort of your home!