Rising Temperature – How to avoid heat related illnesses
By Nmami Agarwal 30-Apr 2021 Reading Time: 6 Mins

With the rising temperature and blazing heat- the season of sweating is almost here! The escalating temperature brings the urge to change your habits in order to survive the weather without any health ailments. Obviously, switching to lighter fabrics and adding in some hydrating foods is the prerequisite of this weather but certain lifestyle changes other than this can assist you in enjoying this weather coolly and calmly, without any summer-related health illnesses. Today, we bring you easy tips that will keep your body nourished, energetic and productive even on the hottest day and will bid adieu to those unnecessary health ailments.
- Stay hydrated: Accurate hydration fills you up with great energy and flushes out the toxins from your body which is extremely beneficial for your overall health and well-being. Dehydration can increase the risk of various injuries and health ailments while decreasing your strength and stamina. It can even hamper your day-to-day activities and hence drinking 2.5-3 litres of water is a must. In addition to this, you can also add smoothies, home-made buttermilk and coconut water to your diet to keep yourself hydrated and fresh.
- Eat light and juicy foods: Light meals are the first and foremost step to keep yourself safe from plenty of health issues. A healthy, well-balanced and light diet ensures you get all the nutrients and it doesn’t burden your stomach with unnecessary calories that can hamper your digestion while taking you close to various heat-related ailments. Add plenty of fruits and veggies to your diet as they are juicy, light and are filled with vital nutrients that keep you going during summertime. You can add cucumber, watermelon, kiwi, apples, oranges, yoghurt to your diet to energise and refresh yourself.
- Cut out the consumption of processed and sugary beverages: Store-bought drinks and processed food items are filled with saturated fats and bad carbohydrates that will only dull your energy while taking you close to various health illnesses like stomach, gas, constipation, bloating and many others. Such drinks are not actually thirst-quenchers and instead, they juice up all the fluid from your body making you more dehydrated. On top of it, the usage of preservatives and caffeine in such drinks can only harm your health more than any good. So, replace these drinks and processed foods with natural and healthier ones to avoid any health complications.
- Proper rest and quality sleep: Almost half of the problems start in the body when you are sleep deprived. A night of good sleep not only disturbs your mind but also takes you closer to various health ailments. It juices up all your energy levels while making you passive and hampering the functioning of your brain. Sleep deprivation can negatively affect your body while making you all dull and tired and therefore make sure that you give yourself proper rest and at least 7-9 hours of sleep to keep going happily and healthily.
- Start exercising: People create bubbles of thoughts in their mind that exercising juice up their energy levels. But the truth is, nothing can ever beat the energy and freshness you get from a workout. It will charge you up, make you fresh and fill you up with positivity. It makes you active, healthy and reduces the risk of various health ailments. Get up from your bed and indulge yourself in 30-45 minutes of workout routine to make yourself all energetic. You can do aerobics, skipping, Zumba workout, yoga and meditation to benefit your physical, mental and emotional health.
Abide by these pointers to keep yourself happy and healthy during summertime. Always stick to nourished and hydrated foods to avoid any heat-related illnesses.