Stock these Ingredients to keep yourself Cool During Summer
By Nmami Life Editorial 15-Apr 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Warm temperature not only calls for cut sleeve dresses and cotton clothes but it also demands for natural and instant cooling foods that can freshen up you in no time. There is nothing better than stocking up the natural ingredients in your kitchen that can chill and refresh you in no time. Obviously, a glass of cold water can help but there are certain foods that can give you much-needed Vitamins and minerals to fight against the scorching heat while reducing the health illnesses during summertime. Not only this, adding these ingredients in your regular diet can revitalise you and regenerate your drained energy levels.
So, cut out those processed junkies and add these foods in your kitchen cabinets to make yourself cool and happy during summers.
- Cucumber: Cucumber is packed with a great number of nutrients like fibre, potassium, and other essential vitamins and minerals that can cool and refresh you like no other. Regular consumption of cucumber can easily eliminate the body’s internal heat. Also, cucumber is rich in water content which makes it a perfect food staple to consume during the summertime. You can consume it in the form of salad, add it in your raita by adding your favourite herbs and spices over it.
- Mint: Mint is well known for its cooling properties from ages. It is readily available in the market and is a very low-cost herb that can act as an instant cooler during the hot weather. You can make refreshing drinks from it, add it in your water, buttermilk, chutney and curd. The unique fragrance and different taste of it can easily blend well with all almost all the food items.
- Fruits and veggies: Fruits and vegetables are filled with plenty of nutrients that can give you the energy to keep going throughout the summery days while killing the internal heat of your body. Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables can help in keeping the diseases at bay while adding up to your energy levels. You can add seasonal fruits and vegetables in your diet and to enhance its taste you can convert it into smoothies, mix it with your yoghurt, chop it and make a salad with home-made healthy dressings.
- Zucchini: This looks similar to cucumber and can easily hydrate your body. Zucchini is filled with Vitamin C and manganese that can help fight free radicals which is important to lower the sun damage. You can steam it, stir-fry it and add it in your salads for effective results.
- Coconut water: Obviously, consuming water is great but coconut water offers plenty of essential vitamins and minerals and electrolytes that can hydrate you while maintaining your energy levels. Regular consumption of coconut water can fight against the health ailments that come with the scorching heat and keep the diseases at bay.
Add these natural coolers in your diet and don’t forget to tell us how you stay cool and maintain good health during summertime.