Simple Yet Effective Tips to Get back to Your healthy Self Post- Diwali
By Nmami Agarwal 05-Nov 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Diwali, the festival of light and hope is one of the most celebrated festivals in our country. Many family members and acquaintances come closer and celebrate their happiness. However, as we enjoy ourselves, our health takes a back step in our priority list as we are so occupied. Hence it is important for proper care after Diwali where our body is cleansed of all unwanted additions we gained during the festive period. Simple yet effective tips to maintain your health as you enjoy Diwali as well as stay in shape post this festive season –
- Daily physical activity – It is important that our body is always kept in an active phase and there is a break from regular physical activity. This can be done by simple steps such as using steps instead of elevators, walking to get groceries, light yoga or a simple few minute’s work out. Daily physical labor will maintain your constant muscle strength and not let you lose your muscle mass.
- Avoid places with high pollution and smoke – Even though the usage of firecrackers are prohibited in major residential areas it is still important to take necessary precaution and avoid damage to your lungs. Masks and filters can be used and installed. It is also necessary to promote smoke-free Diwali to your acquaintances. Asthma patients need delicate supervision and it is important for total avoidance of areas where crowds may gather.
- Regulation over sweets and snacks – During this festive period when traditional snacks and sweets are produced daily in massive amounts at stalls all over the streets of the country, we may find it difficult to rein in the alluring temptation of it. Hence it is necessary to follow portion control. We can add a lot more calories to the diet during the festive period. It is also important to make sure that during your major meals you include healthy food items as well as water to go along with it. Homemade food with seasonal vegetables and fruits should be made a priority. It will also do you good if you make healthy sweets and snacks and share them with your neighbors promoting healthy food choices.
- Adjusting your routine – When you know that you will not sleep at the same time as you usually do, then it is important to make adjustments to your daily schedule. Add time for day naps if you get leave of your work. It is important to socialize however places, where you will have to deviate from your usual norm, must not be prioritized. Government guidelines should be followed where crowding is banned and places where excessive sound and light are detrimental.
- Covid precautions – Fairs, assemblies, and parties will boom during this period hence it is important to keep in mind the covid guidelines and to practice the norm set for this outbreak.
A little change is always welcome but we should try sticking to healthier alternatives in life and therefore promoting self-betterment.