Know how to Avoid Exercise Burnout
By Nmami Life Editorial 02-Feb 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

It’s an age-old saying that exercising is the way to achieve good health but regular exercising can sometimes be tiring and exhausting and can also lead to burnout. Exercise burnout can be defined as the psychological stress when you can’t achieve the pre-assumed body results. When the enthusiasm and gear start to get fade there comes a point when you suffer from physical and mental pressure. This stress can be due to not achieving the pre-expected goals in your mind. This can also come with a number of problems like tiredness and soreness, along with fatigue and poor performance.
If you involve in some fitness program then you all have suffered from exercise burnout at some point in time. Dealing with this situation is extremely complex and it is not easy either! Jammed in this slump is quite irritating and can also slow down your motivation in no time. Fortunately, you can avoid this situation while making your fitness kick even stronger. We have some great pointers for you that help you to stay on track while avoiding any exercise burnout during your training routine.
- Take it easy if you’re just starting out: If you are the one of those who is starting out on the new routine of exercises, then it is obvious that you set some high goals in your mind. These high assumptions in the mind can give you stress for instant results and if you are unable to achieve results this can further convert into pressure and anxiety. So, it is advisable to not set high goals in the mind to avoid any distress, wound, and a rapid fall in the levels of motivation.
- Start to change up things on a regular basis: Regular exercises can make you feel boring and even demotivate you and therefore changing exercises on a regular basis can make you feel enthusiastic and interested. Try to keep on experimenting with the different types of exercises and intensity to make yourself enthused and inspired. You can also change your workout location for effective results.
- Set realistic goals: Unrealistic goals are one of a common factor that leads to exercise burnout. Unrealistic goals can create confusion and stress in the mind which ultimately de-motivate you like nothing else. It can also make you choose a wrong way of fitness which can further affect your overall health and well-being. Instead of focusing on short term goals set up your mind to choose long term objectives.
- Make time for recovery: Just as your body requires some time to get better from an exercise schedule similarly your mind need some space to think better! Try to give rest to your body and your mind for 1-2 days each week so that exercising doesn’t feel like a burden. You can give a try to yoga and meditation so that you can relax from the on-going thoughts about exercising in your head.
- Love what you do: Including funny elements in your fitness routine like the sport you love or incorporating your loved ones in your fitness regimen can make you feel relaxed and soothing.
So, make up your mind with these above-written pointers and do let us know how many times you have suffered from exercise burnout and how you combat this feeling? Don’t forget to share this article with the fitness freaks around you.