United Nations Tweeted About The Positive Effects Of Working From Home
By Nmami Agarwal 22-Apr 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Working from home is a work setting where the employees do not need to travel to their workplaces and can work conveniently at the comfort of their home. Could we ever think of working from home before Covid-19? But now that we have fortunately or unfortunately lived it, we can say a lot about it. The pandemic has affected us and our work deeply, be it in a positive way or negative. Working from home impacts both physical and mental health. From giving us more time to workout to helping us establish a strong bond with the family, it can also improve our work productivity.
Working From Home Can:
- Improve Work-Life Balance: Staying at home all day can improve work performance and also help you enjoy life a little more, with family or your sweet me-time. Employees can make a flexible schedule as per their conveniece and pay close attention to the needs of personal life.
- Reduce Traffic and Air Pollution: working from home means less cars on road, which would cause lesser greenhouse emissions and hence lesser air pollution. When there would be less commute, there would be reduced traffic.
- Lower Costs: costs of commuting, meeting-lunches, electronic devices, air conditioning or electricity in an office, and even the costs of professional clothes would very significantly reduce, if we follow work from home.
Among the benefits, are improved focus on work, opportunities for flexible working hours and physical activity, reduced traffic and commuting time, and a decrease in work stres, all of which can improve physical and mental health and social wellbeing.
Workinh from home or teleworking can also lead to higher productivity and lower operational costs for many companies.
Working from home has such positive effects yet it can lead to isolation, burnout, depression, and other challenges. Measures that should be put in place by employers include ensuring that workers receive adequate equipment to complete the tasks of the job; providing relevant information, guidelines and training to reduce the psychosocial and mental health impact of teleworking; training managers in effective risk management, distance leadership and workplace health promotion; and establishing the “right to disconnect” and sufficient rest days. Occupational health services should be enabled to provide ergonomic, mental health and psychosocial support to teleworkers using digital telehealth technologies.
Working for home will not only decrease the risk of infection but also, improve mental and physical health leading to a healthier and happier work-life.