Five Pillars of Wellness
By Nmami Life Editorial 11-Feb 2020 Reading Time: 7 Mins

An individual human body or a bigger cosmic body naturally is made up of five great elements Earth(Prithvi), Water(Jal), Fire(Agni), Air(Vayu), Aether(Aakash). A human being experiences several distinct indications that can be witnessed by sense organs present inside. The human body composition includes essential dietary elements like nutrients, proteins, vitamins and minerals, and other elements like oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. These elements are also found in the Earth’s crust and every individual varies in the observed proportion by these elements present in their respective body. For a wholesome living, it is necessary to create a fusion between the elements of body, mind, and soul of a being so that a complete physiological, psychological and sociological healthiness is notched up.
These golden changes could make a forever impact on personal health as one starts aging:
- Lifestyle: Positive living is attained not only by following a healthy and nutritious diet or by making six-pack abs in a gym like “popeye the sailor man “ instead of by learning from our traditional background of Ayurveda and achieving a state of mind full of soulful happiness and pleasure of simplicity. According to Sushruta’s recommendations following a proper daily routine, seasonal routine, regular diet, traditional exercises(yoga and meditation), decorous conduct will increase one life span for 100 years. Union of traditional plus conventional methodology (walking, yoga, Zumba, etc) will help one to follow proper conduct, discipline, and order of living a wholesome lifestyle.
- Nutritious Diet: “Having a balanced diet is equal to a Nutritious diet”. Human beings live on food and not satisfying one’s cravings or starving for food for long hours in the name of fasting is not a diet- something that most people forget when they follow a weight loss routine. Taking a balanced way of routine in one’s busy schedule of living is essential for the balance of all elements present in our body. For example, making small changes in the selection of food like a bowl of rainbow color fruit salad, leafy veggies, sprouted beans, etc. It can help in digestion of food as raw and uncooked food is consumed that helps one in the prevention of enzymes that further help in digestion and are present in the raw food and not cooked food. Therefore, one should take care of their respective bodily routine and the proportion of food to be taken to prevent overconsumption and this way achieved a balanced living.
- A Satisfying Sleep: Nowadays people are running in their late hour’s busy schedules and there is no time for a good and a happy contented sleep to relax. Thus chronic disorders have become more common such as insomnia or Alzheimer’s disease. Lack of soulful sleep due to wrong habits of living results in decreasing the life span of people by 5yrs less in standard age. Ramayana and Mahabharat also provide a cure for improving the healthful living conditions in society. In this situation, one should relax and start doing meditation and yoga asanas or if one would have no time to do so then he/she should do five to ten minutes deep breathing exercises or have a walk instead of just sitting for long hours at one place. Having a positive life of conduct and attitude will bring out a great change in one’s present condition and further helps in coping up with chronic imbalances and disorders in the body.
- Fun and Humorous Exercises: If you are doing 9 to 5 job and are confined to your cubicles- while sitting you can do little movements with your body parts like rotating your neck, movements of arms and legs, chair exercises and taking deep breathing exercises(such as ANULOM-VILOM) to freshen up your mind and warm up your body. And if you are just sitting at your home then you have more choices for following regular exercises and asanas for removing negative vibes and refreshing up your body and soul.
- Social Development for Satisfied Soul: Developing your inner self creates a powerful force for innovating things, meeting up with new people and making new community groups will help to reduce one’s stress and one can share a lot of ideas with other people and make new friends. The essential condition required for a body is to create a body-mind connection with a soulful development. Thus being a part of social life creates happiness that would be everlasting as one can do the social contribution and helps in solving societal problems of our society. A psychological impact would also be created by such activities such as NGOs volunteer ship, Be a part of social event or program of government.
“The first wealth is Health”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson