Unexpected Weight Gain: Here are the Common Reasons and its Solution

By      21-Feb 2022       Reading Time: 4 Mins

Unexpected Weight Gain: Here are the Common Reasons and its Solution

As the title suggests when an unexpected event of weight gain occurs without any particular reason or signs of happening so, this may disrupt your daily routine and bring along more risks to your health. This happens when your diet and calorie consumption remain almost the same, the liquid and solid consumptions remain almost certain and the fluctuation in calories remains negligible. Right from body fluid retention to poor urination and excretion- there could be varied reasons for this. This can be periodic, long-lasting, or rapid in growth. Sometimes weight gain may be a sign of a medical emergency and in the case of non-pregnant individuals, it may be necessary to consult a professional.

Reasons for Weight Gain include:

1. Pregnancy – A wanted process where the mother may proactively increase her calorie count and weight gain. Not necessarily a reason for concern and medical attention other than that of the mother’s health.

2. Hormonal changes – Mainly a condition prevalent entering their menopause period in the age period of 45 to 50. A decrease in female hormones leads to weight increase in the individuals as the metabolism slows down.

3. Fluid retention – Your bodyweight rises due to fluid retention or edema where bodily fluids including water are held to and accumulate in the tissues. This leads to swelling and inflammation in different body parts. This may happen to individuals who often take certain causative medications, kidney and heart problems, and liver problems. People who are diagnosed or on medication should regularly take weight measurements and be cautious of their bodies.

4. Menstruation – Women during their menstrual cycle may suffer from bloating and water retention. Change in hormonal levels often leads to weight gain but this also subsides as menstruation ends. This may also occur cyclically as another menstrual cycle starts.

5. Stress- stress can affect the hormone secretion that can affect the regular eating habits, and induce binge-eating sessions, it is also linked with the risk of diseases.

Solutions Include

1- The most common and easily available solution is to take medications. Hormonal imbalance may be cured by taking medications that balance out the deficit. They may be used during the entire duration of the problem.

2- Trying stress-releasing activities and management like meditation, yoga, and exercising. You can also do some mindfulness activities that can help relax.

3- Controlled and portion eating- people who are sleep deprived or have insomnia need to meet their calorie needs, which might also lead to weight gain, therefore having light dinners is also important and create a comfortable environment for having better sleep.

4- Meeting a doctor- if you experience some changes in lifestyle and have rapid, unexplained weight gain


There can be multiple reasons for unexpected weight gain and therefore you need to be aware of your own body and pay heed to the symptoms. Make sure to listen to your body and consult a doctor if needed.

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"At Nmami Life, the meaning of good health is a combination of nutrition and fitness, which are essential to your well-being."
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