4 foods to eat and avoid in deworming

By      11-Feb 2021       Reading Time: 5 Mins

4 foods to eat and avoid in deworming

Mother nature has provided us with every solution to our problems, there are so many natural ways to treat your ailments! This might sound bizarre, but it is tested that many times, food does wonders when medicines fail to do the same. If you don’t agree, read on to find out about natural food items that are effective against parasites and worms found in the human body and foods that should be avoided. According to some researchers, these worms and parasites are formed due to unhealthy eating habits and they develop inside the intestine, but you can get rid of them naturally by involving the following foods in your diet.

Foods to eat in deworming

  • Raw Pumpkin Seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds contain cucurbitacin, a compound that has the capacity to paralyze worms in the intestine and digestive tract as it is also rich in anti-parasitic properties.

  • Clove
  • Cloves are known for their germ killing properties and are best consumed with black walnut hulls. It contains eugenol, the most powerful killing agent that is highly effective in killing bacteria related to cholera, malaria, and tuberculosis.

  • Ginger
  • Ginger helps in protecting the gut from any sort of internal damage. It is ideal for managing stomach acid production, which indirectly helps destroy parasites.

  • Neem Leaves
  • Neem contains antibacterial properties. The best way to keep your gut healthy and safe is to chew a few neem leaves on an empty stomach. They not only destroy bad bacteria in the intestinal area but also improves digestion.

Foods to avoid in deworming

  • Sugar
  • Worms or Parasites love eating glucose. So, try to stay away from carbs like rice, bread, pasta, and sugary fruits like grapes and mango. You may also discuss this with your doctor.

  • Coffee/Meat/Dairy
  • Coffee, meat and dairy can create an acidic environment, which is again loved by parasites. Some may find it easy to give up on Meat and dairy, but coffee can be no-go. The addiction of coffee should be avoided during your cleansing period.

  • Raw vegetables
  • Even though eating raw vegetables is a smart way to stay healthy, there are certain veggies that should never be eaten raw. Make sure that you wash every food item thoroughly in vegetable and fruit disinfectants to remove all the residue of pesticides and chemicals that may be present on the surface.

  • Alcohol
  • Alcohol affects your liver severely. After consuming Metronidazole orally, it is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream, but the brunt of the processing work is done in the liver, the same place as alcohol. So try to stay away to prevent further toxicity.

Over To You
All in all, these were some foods that you should eat and avoid in deworming to get rid of intestinal parasites like worms. The most common ways to contract worms is by drinking contaminated water and eating contaminated food. Luckily, there are so many ways to get rid of worms at home using research-verified natural remedies. Follow the diet mentioned above and take care of your health.

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"At Nmami Life, the meaning of good health is a combination of nutrition and fitness, which are essential to your well-being."
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