Omicron Threat: Are The Symptoms Different From The Delta.

By      12-Jan 2022       Reading Time: 4 Mins

Omicron Threat: Are The Symptoms Different From The Delta.

The spike in the case of covid-19 variants has raised an alarm worldwide. It is mutating into variants like delta and omicrons. The symptoms for the variants are different from each other. Omicron is said to be the most fastly transmitting variant. It is affecting a large number of people in a very short period. Although symptoms are milder than the delta. But, due to its high rate of transmission, it might become dominant all over the globe.

The differences in omicron and delta variants.

1. They both are the mutant form of the original covid -19 strain. As we know the origin of this original strain is from China, 2019.

2. Delta cases were firstly observed in India, 2020. Which led to the second lockdown. However, 1 case of omicron variant was observed in South Africa.

3. Both variants show different signs and indications. Experts reveal that joint pain, headache, loss of smell and taste were not seen in omicron as compared to delta. The most common symptoms of omicron are cough, running nose, fatigue and minimal congestion.

4. The symptoms of delta last for 10 days, while symptoms of omicron last for 4-5 days. Notably, the delta and omicron have been acknowledged as ‘variants’ of concern by the World Health Organization (WHO).

5. The body temperatures rise to 101-103 F, while in omicron it is 99.5 – 100 F.

6. According to a report in India Today, Omicron has more mutations than the delta variant of COVID-19. 43 AA mutations are in the spike proteins of the Omicron variant, while delta has 18 according to the researchers.

7. The major difference between the variants is the way the lungs are affected. AIIMS doctor suggested that possibly the new variant doesn’t multiply in the respiratory tracts. This is the reason why breathlessness is not the symptom in the omicron variant. So, there is a very little infection in the lungs. While in the delta the virus infects the lungs within a few days of infection, which leads to shortness of breath, pneumonia, and low oxygen saturation level.

8. “Individuals who have been through Covid -19 also have increased chances ( three to five times) of being infected compared to delta” according to WHO.

Although deaths are less due to omicron, nothing can be concluded about it. Further research is being carried out by various health organizations. Many pharmaceutical companies are working on the effectiveness of vaccines against this variant. Hence, it is better to keep yourself safe by following covid protocols.

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