Healthy weight at Every size

By      24-Jan 2021       Reading Time: 4 Mins

Healthy weight at Every size

24th to 30th January 2021 is considered a healthy weight week, a time to celebrate healthy, diet-free living habits that last a lifetime and prevent eating and weight problems. Diets are a temporary fix to a long-term problem and usually, they don’t work. Healthy lifelong habits are what produce weight loss, weight maintenance, and good health. Healthy Weight Week’s main concept is that dieting is not only harmful to your body but your self-esteem.

The healthy weight week. How and why to start?
A positive body image and establishing a healthy relationship with food is the first step in attempting to live a healthy lifestyle. Strict calorie intakes and fooling strict diets are a healthy long term way to lose that extra weight, it is the complete opposite plus it’s unreliable because it drains the essence of enjoyment which we may get if taken in a more favorable way. We nag start by making little changes in our lifestyle, like going for walks, drinking a lot of water, and cutting down on those chips. Starting from these small steps will help you develop a habit of walking and avoiding chips, this habit when followed for a prolonged period will make your body adapt to the change in habits, thus improving your metabolism and eventually leading you closer to the body figure you wanted. Simple changes make weight loss easy. During a healthy weight week, the scale and BMI calculator should be hidden. This week is all about loving yourself, loving your body, and changing the way you approach health habits.

This is not about following strict diets, but it is about loving yourself by becoming the best version of yourself, that’s what this week is all about. Making small lifestyle changes for a better tomorrow in a way you can enjoy, that’s what this week tries to emphasize. The simple fact is if you don’t love yourself you won’t enjoy going out and probably develop a more introverted personality, that’s when this week steps in to give you a message, a message to start living yourself and start putting in the effort to become the best version of yourself.

Over to you.
The healthy weight week is for everyone who wants to become the best version of themselves. This week is all about loving your body and making it better and shaping it in the way you want it to be. It starts by making small lifestyle changes for a prolonged period to start losing that extra fat and leading you closer to your goal No strict diets or strict calorie counters, just simple lifestyle changes that include cutting down on some carbs and burning some by moving yourself and being active. The main goal is to love your body and become better than today. Eventually, we are responsible for our health, so let’s start being better.

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"At Nmami Life, the meaning of good health is a combination of nutrition and fitness, which are essential to your well-being."
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