World Obesity Day- Here’s What you Need to Know About This Global Health Challenge
By Nmami Life Editorial 05-Mar 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

As World Obesity Federation announces to update what 11th October was marked traditionally as World Obesity Day will now be on 4th March. The new World Obesity Day looks forward to initiate the changes in the narratives around obesity globally in coordination with national and regional efforts.
Also as it was mentioned in the newsletters, some of the important and impactful dates and weeks like European Obesity day and National Obesity Care Week and World Obesity Day ahev aligned dates and events and activities related to the same will be held in conjunction with World Obesity Day.
Obesity rates have increased almost five times in children and adolescents in both developed and developing countries.
People with obesity are constantly shamed and blamed because many – including doctors, policymakers, and others – do not fully understand the root causes of obesity, which are often a complex mixture of dietary, lifestyle, genetic, psychological, sociocultural, economic and environmental factors. It is time we break the cycle of body shaming and blame and reevaluate our approach for addressing this complex global public health problem.
Together we can make a difference. There is a lot we can do, including restricting the marketing to children of food and drinks high in fats, sugar and salt; heavy taxing sugary drinks, and providing better access to affordable, healthy food options. The government needs to design our cities and towns, where there is more space for safe walking, cycling, and recreation. We must teach our children healthy habits from early on so as to develop healthy habits.
World Health Organisation (WHO) is also creating awareness to the global obesity crisis on many fronts, including monitoring global trends and prevalence, the development of a broad range of guidance addressing the prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity, and providing implementation support and guidance such as the Report of the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity.
Treatment and Management
- Overweight or obese people should start a regular physical activity when they begin their healthy eating plan. Being active may help you use calories. Regular physical activity may help you stay at a healthy weight.
- A lower calorie diet with a variety of healthy food items having enough nutrient value is a good option to start from.
- Having specific short term goals can help you stay on track. Rather than promising yourself about being more active, set a goal to walk 15 to 30 minutes before work or at lunch on Monday and Friday.
- Self-monitor yourself and try to balance out calories by considering healthy swaps like instead of sugar, go for honey or jaggery.
- Consult a nutritionist and take medical help if required as obesity could be a sign or symptom of some disease.
Over to you
This World Obesity Day, the esteemed World Health Organisation (WHO) encourages practical solutions to help people achieve and manage a healthy weight, undertake proper treatment and reverse the obesity crisis to indirectly help prevent developing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
To know more about obesity, refer the following links: