Women’s Day- Honouring the Woman of Tomorrow
By Nmami Agarwal 08-Mar 2020 Reading Time: 6 Mins

International Women’s Day- Honoring the Woman of Tomorrow
International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on the 8th of March honoring the working women of today. It is observed globally by recognizing the women’s achievements in social, cultural, economic, political fields. This day is all about celebrating women, their independence, their achievements and respect them for all they have done. Society now has accepted women in a better way than before and has started giving women the recognition they deserve.
Theme for year 2020 – #Eachforequal
Every year International Women’s Day has a theme and this year it’s #Eachforequal, an equal world is an enabled world. The theme is about collectively creating a gender-equal world as equality is just not a woman’s issue but it is a business issue and everybody should take action against it. The theme is so powerful and gender equality is essential for communities to thrive. The theme is derived from the campaign ‘collective individualism’, our actions can impact a whole part of society and collectively, we can make the change happen, we can help to create a world that honors both the genders equally. #Eachforequal is about challenging the stereotypes and broadening perceptions and making the world more gender-balanced.
Women have been fighting for their rights for a long time now and have also succeeded a bit in their fight but the society needs to understand the importance of women and support them in their journey. Let’s see how women have come a long way till here:
Not so long ago, women were considered inferior beings because of the gender-biased community. There was a sad face to it- the girl child was killed in the womb itself because women were not considered worth living. Those who did not know about the gender of the baby, used to kill the girl child as soon as she was born. The women were considered slaves, who were just born and brought to serve men and do nothing else in their life. The pressure from the male side was so high that the women started believing in the myth that they were lower creatures and were only born to work at home.
But now as the times have changed, India has considerably moved towards being a better place for women as more and more women are now entering the workforce and women are given equal rights as men. We can see how women have also entered professions like the police, armed forces and as pilots, all professions which were seen as male domains. The women are now accepted by men without any discrimination at the workplace and have realized how important a woman for an organization is. Society is slowly learning to accept that women are equally intelligent and capable. Women have now been working from shoulder to shoulder just as men, and in some cases, women are better than men. We can see how the world has changed and how even after all the ongoing struggles, women have not given up but fought for their rights and the position they deserve in society.
It is not easy for women to fight every day for her rights, the struggle still goes on but the women of today are capable of holding the ups and downs that come their way. Let us all together fight for women because it’s not solely their responsibility but everybody’s.
Over to You
Women have come a long way and still have a journey to cover but to make it a bit easier for them, let’s all stand together to bring a change in the world and make the world a happier and a safer place for women to live in.
For the change you desire, you need to be the change. Each one of us should take pledge and stand stronger than ever.