WHO Shared Concern About Air Pollution Becoming A Public Health Emergency In Populated Areas

By      22-Feb 2022       Reading Time: 4 Mins

WHO Shared Concern About Air Pollution Becoming A Public Health Emergency In Populated Areas

When there are more than 7 million premature deaths every single year, associated with exposure to air pollution, then this is definitely a major public health issue. Nine out of every 10 people around the world, particularly those living in cities, are breathing air that is not consistent with what WHO considers the good standards according to our air quality guidelines for breathing and still be healthy.

Air Pollution Is Becoming A public Health Emergency In Populated Areas As:

  • It is believed by the WHO experts that most of the diseases linked to exposure to air pollution were considered only to be affecting our respiratory system.
  • Exposure to air pollution is responsible for chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, lung cancer, pneumonia, etc.
  • These toxic particles will come to our lungs and from there to the bloodstream will reach the cardiovascular system.
  • Also, be responsible for ischemic heart diseases, neurological problems as well in general and reproductive system issues.
  • exposure to air pollution will increase the risk for chronic diseases like cardiopulmonary, metabolic diseases, diabetes.
  • And these diseases are the so-called comorbidities that will increase the risk for more severity and even later outcome if you are a patient with COVID-19.

WHO Shared Ways To Reduce Air Pollution:

  • The best way to reduce air pollution will be to stop burning fossil fuels. That combustion of fossil fuels is contributing not only to climate change but to generating this high level of pollutants that then end up in our lungs. So changing that policy around which source of energy we are using will be one of the most effective.
  • At the city level, we are going for change in the public transport system, promoting more sustainable ways of public transport, reducing the use of private cars, going for the more efficient energy use of the buildings, making sure that they reduce the traffic congestion in certain areas.
  • As an individual, the best you can do is to put pressure on your politicians, on your mayors. Make sure that there are systems to monitor the air quality that you are breathing every day in your city. And by doing so, ensuring that measures are taken at the political level.

If the situation on air pollution is really bad, if we take measures, there is optimism. In European countries, for instance, or North America, the situation improved very much in the last 20 years. We still need to put in place measures on sustainable transport, clean and modern use of energy sources, and all our way of consuming recycling.

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"At Nmami Life, the meaning of good health is a combination of nutrition and fitness, which are essential to your well-being."
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