Try these Breathing Exercises to Fight the Harmful Effects of Air Pollution
By Nmami Life Editorial 18-Nov 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Air pollution is everywhere no matter where we live and where we go. Breathing exercises help fight against the ill effects of air pollution. With the beginning of festivities and change in weather, we all need to be cautious especially people suffering from asthma or other respiratory problems. The worrisome part is that air pollution and novel coronavirus both hit the respiratory system, which makes it even worse, so all of us need to take care of ourselves.
But how do you take proper precautions? What to do? If you come under this familiar category and are looking for ways to combat the effects of air pollution then you have come to the correct page.
Here are three easy and simple breathing exercises that will help you tackle the effects of air pollution.
1- Kapalbhati
Kapalbhati is every yoga instructor’s top priority. This Asana helps detoxify the body entirely. This exercise turns out to be very effective for people suffering from breathlessness as it helps in cleansing your brain and lungs. The exercise increases the oxygen flow, improves digestion and strengthens the abdominal muscles. Here are 4 steps to do this exercise.
Step 1: Keep your spine straight and legs crossed.
Step 2: Take in a deep breath, exhale quickly making a puffing sound. Keep the emphasis on exhaling quickly and not inhaling.
Step 3: While exhaling, draw your abdominal muscles inward simultaneously. The abdomen should fold when you exhale and rise when you inhale.
Step 4: Continue doing the exercise for 10 minutes.
2- Agnisar kriya
The meaning of the term agnisar kriya is stimulating the digestive fire. The main objective of this exercise is to detox your respiratory tract, improve the functioning of the abdominal organs and boost metabolism and immunity. The exercise also helps in keeping our abdomen clear from toxins. Here are 3 steps to do this exercise:
Step 1: Keep your shoulders erect and comfortable, and place the hands on your knees.
Step 2: Take deep breaths through your nose, hold the breath and bend your head forward and try to touch the chin to the chest.
Step 3: Pull in the abdomen. Now exhale, expand your stomach to the fullest and chin erect. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
3- Bhastrika
This exercise makes you energetic and aids in detoxifying by removing all the harmful pollutants from your body. People suffering from asthma or any other breathing problem are advised to practice this technique under supervision. Here are the steps to do this exercise:
Step 1: Sit up straight with your legs folded and shoulders relaxed. Take deep breaths from your nose. When you inhale, expand your belly as much as you can.
Step 2: Now breathe by exhaling vigorously through the nose and inhale forcefully at the rate of one second per cycle.
Step 3: The breath should come from your contraceptive diaphragm. Keep your shoulders, neck, head and chest still while moving your belly in and out.
Over to you:
Become a pro with these breathing exercises and don’t let the air pollution play dampener to your health and well-being.