Ministry of Ayush Tweeted That Sarvangasana Focuses On All Parts of The Body

By      19-Jun 2022       Reading Time: 4 Mins

Ministry of Ayush Tweeted That Sarvangasana Focuses On All Parts of The Body

According to the Ministry of Ayush, yoga is a trend that has been flourishing over the years; rather this has become a trendsetter in maintaining both physical and mental well-being. Each Yogic activity is a key to improving flexibility, strength, balance, and attaining harmony. Yoga Portal is a platform to help people embrace, practice, and enjoy yoga every day. It is a perfect gateway to search for the best yoga resources, common yoga protocol training videos, and the latest yoga events to take part in.

Yoga is not only a physical exercise to improve strength and lose weight but it gives you a deeper level of understanding of yourself. It helps loosen the stiff body and improves joint movement, helps in relieving energy blockages, stretches the muscles, helps build immunity, and strength and boosts agility, eliminates stress and anxiety, helps lose weight, gets rid of any diseases, and even brings positivity and calmness.

Yogasanas are exercises of different parts of the body and mind which give you an overall state of well-being and uplift your quality of life. One such yogasana is Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand. It is an asana that focuses on “all parts” of the body. This asana stimulates metabolism, and protein synthesis, as well as is beneficial in blood circulation. The posture of this asana reduces the chances of bone and kidney disease and strengthens our muscles.

Benefits of Sarvangasana:

  • It improves the functioning of reproductive organs
  • It increases the blood circulation in the brain
  • It helps in strengthening the spine and back muscles
  • It gives the skin a glow by improving the blood circulation
  • It also gives strength to the arms and neck
  • It helps in controlling the blood sugar levels

The Sarvangasana should be performed very carefully, with full concentration. Practice in a hurry can result in injuries to the spine, arms, or neck. Make sure to go slow initially and then improve your speed. Yoga helps heal the body and also makes us feel better and love and live better. Every asana is designed in such a way by the ancient gods, that it helps you overcome all problems at one time. If you are suffering from high blood pressure, neck injury, or cervical, then you must avoid this yoga asana.

Over To You:
The Sarvanganasan may look difficult and scary but it is very beneficial and once you start practicing it regularly, you will notice changes in your body for good.

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"At Nmami Life, the meaning of good health is a combination of nutrition and fitness, which are essential to your well-being."
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