Coronavirus Pandemic May Make us More ‘Digisexual’ with Cyber Sex and Erotic Robots
By Nmami Life Editorial 23-Jul 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

The Coronavirus pandemic has completely altered our way of living and distressing relationships and sexuality while increasing the stress and anxieties. Due to the practising of social distancing, the physical contact of partners is getting limited and the process unintentionally creating various intimacy-related problems.
Many people are suffering from loneliness and relationship stress due to pandemic COVID-19. Due to the practising of safety measures and forced isolation, many couples feel intimacy problems and find themselves under stress and tensions during the pandemic.
But harsh conditions always bring the best of creativity. This challenging time due to the global pandemic, we are capturing new-fangled, innovative and secure ways to connect intimately with our partner and that is “technology.”
As per researchers, “erobotics, a field intersecting sexuality and technology suggest that human-machine erotic interactions can contribute to well-being – even in times of worldwide health crisis.”
Sexual practising during the coronavirus pandemic
The practising of safety measures due to the global pandemic not only altered our lifestyle and regime but also created some unintentional stress and distress. Anxiety-related to illness, extreme sadness, isolation, domestic violence and financial stress are the most common examples of strain giving situations that come with this pandemic. When it comes to intimacy, the pandemic is generating various problems for the couples who are living in large proximity and is directly impacting the intimacy and relationships on a large scale.
A recent online survey said, “A majority of participants, about 43.5%, in a sample of 1,559 adults reported a decline in the quality of their sex lives during the Covid-19 pandemic, while only 13.6% reported improvements.” Many people said that the pandemic is encouraging us to take a route of cybersex and turning us into digisexual which is quite relaxing and reduce the stress and tensions while adding up to the overall well-being.
As per the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: “You are your safest sex partner.” Pausing physical in-person dates and sexual activities and indulging yourself in virtual dating, sexting and video calls is a great way to ensure safety while fulfilling the sexual desires and fading out the stress and anxieties.
Sex technologies like virtual dating, online sexual chatting, erotic chatbots, sexting with virtual partners is a safe and sound way to satisfy sexual and emotional needs during such harsh and challenging times when safety is the only priority.
Safe sexual practising during the pandemic
Safe sexual practice during the pandemic is extremely important and here are some important tips that you should abide by.
- Wash hands before and after the intercourse
- Use physical blockades like masks, condoms and dental dams
- Practice postures that reduce the risks of transmission
- Limit sexual activities with those living in large proximity.
Sex technology assists us in reliving the suffering that can cause due to solitude and isolation and keep satisfying our intimation needs while keeping us safe. The new and innovative ways sex tech offers helps us to engage sexually with humans and machines that can fulfil our cravings for sexual pleasure. If we sum it all up, the pandemic may make us more “digisexual”.