Here are Some Shocking Realities of Health
By Nmami Life Editorial 29-Feb 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Health is the most sensitive part in our lives, it’s one thing we cannot and should not take risk for. If anybody finds oneself going through some problem related to health, one must visit the doctor as soon as possible. Diseases don’t wait to occur in a human body, it depends upon the lifestyle of a person, the eating habits, sleeping habits and these matters a lot to a person’s health. Our body is a machine which needs proper fuel as well as proper care to keep working for a long time. Human body is designed in a way that gets affected by many aspects if not taken care of. Here are some shocking realities of health that you might not know, such as:
Lack of physical activity or being sedentary is as dangerous as smoking.
It is said that not moving your body that is lacking exercise may be as deadly as smoking. Not engaging enough into physical activities can lead to heart diseases and lead you to gain weight making you obese and also develop the irks of diabetes. The human body needs proper exercising for the body parts to work properly without getting damaged or rusted because of laziness.
The risk of Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD) can begin in childhood
If a person since childhood is having too much food containing fat and not exercising to shed the extra fat, it may lead to coronary artery disease as the waste gets stored in the form of plaque in the blood vessels and affect the arteries. Coronary artery diseases are heart diseases that may eventually lead to a heart attack.
Sitting continuously for more than three hours a day can decrease life expectancy
Working behind the desks all day and not moving might decrease your life expectancy. It is said that one should at least stand or walk for 1-2 minutes every hour. Sitting for more three hours a day can decrease your life expectancy by 2 years. One should keep moving every hour to stay healthy. One should take measures like walk while talking, use stairs instead of lift.
Sleeping less than 7 hours each night can reduce your life expectancy
Sleeping pattern plays a vital role a lot in one’s life, because our body works the whole day and it needs proper rest to work the other day. Sleep-deprived people aren’t able to work at their best because of the tiredness. The reason behind getting a proper sleep is just not to make you feel refreshed but to allow the cells in your muscles, organs and brain to repair each night. Lack of sleep increases health problems like poor heart health and obesity and affects overall longevity.
One can of soda a day increases your chances of getting type 2 diabetes by 18%
Consuming a can of soda daily can indeed increase the chances of type 2 diabetes as the link between sugar-sweetened soda and Type 2 diabetes is independent of BMI (Body Mass Index) and calorie intake. Having soda spikes in blood sugar and drinking too much soda stores excess energy in the form of fat leading to overweight and obesity which is a risk of type 2 diabetes.
Over to You
Keeping ‘yourself’ healthy is your responsibility and to do so one should exercise daily and limit the intake of foods that harm. Researching about problems is good enough but consulting a doctor is always recommended. There are some health realities that one should be aware of and keep oneself updated by gaining knowledge from trusted doctors.